Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Perfect Peace

What is perfect peace? It is what I have now, after years of chasing a dream of giving Annelise a little brother or sister. I cannot explain it, because adoption is hard, expensive, and agonizing to love a little person you have to wait for. The song by Laura Story "Perfect Peace" is playing constantly around me during my days spent wondering about our baby. Yesterday we had our second meeting with our social worker. It is taking us awhile to get thru the homestudy but that is because we are purposefully not borrowing money for this adoption, so we are trying to save like crazy between visits when we owe our fees. It was so wonderful asking her lots and lots of questions. She said some birth mothers love to have the adoptive parents in the room with them when the baby is born, and even cut the cord! Oh my I cannot imagine how exciting that would be for me! After years of dreaming about welcoming a new baby into our family, it would be the ultimate in blessings for me. It brings tears to my eyes just dreaming out it. I love this adoption because it is so different than the last adoption. I loved our wait to adopt Annelise, and I learned so much, but it was so FULL of worry and anxiety on my part, because it was the first time we had adopted. Now I have little Annelise running around telling me how much she loves me all day, giving me hugs, and I realize... my worry was for absolutely nothing. Sure, the adjustment period was hard, but oh my, I would do it again 10 times if I could. She is pure joy and I am amazed I get to be her Mother. Next up is our home visit... bring it! :) I am starting to gather pictures of our family and make our books to present to birthmoms. I think I have to make about 10 of them for different states. I am not sure when we will get that call that our baby is on his or her way... but I have this amazing perfect peace in waiting. I can hear God telling me over and over "I've got this!" And I love this perfect peace.

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